Zen Lun

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Zen Lun

Lun Zenês goal, in his own words, is “Äto give the viewer a feeling of harmony and happiness. People are looking for a peaceful life. We know life is short, and through my imagination, I feel and express what I have in my mind.”

Lun Zen was born in Malaysia where he began painting at eight years old. He is primarily self-taught, although not to rely solely on his intuition, he has studied at Hong Kong Academy of Art, Kansas University, and the San Francisco Academy of Art.

Lun Zen has created paintings that are meditations on harmony using his own spirituality and imagination to guide him. Even though his graceful, richly colored paintings are modern, they still reflect his Oriental heritage with the compelling color palette and serenely balanced images.

ARTIST: Zen, Lun
SIZE: 28″ X 38″
PAPER: Serigraph on paper

ARTIST: Zen, Lun
SIZE: 28.5″ X 24″
PAPER: Serigraph on paper

Artist : Zen, Lun
Size: 28" X 38"
Paper: Serigraph on paper

Artist : Zen, Lun
Size: 27" X 36"
Paper: Serigraph on paper

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